In the distant future, humanity clusters in small villages, reduced to a medieval style of living, while monsters, demons, and vampires roam the outskirts of civilization. It’s a hard life, full of danger, witchcraft, and death – this is the world of Vampire Hunter D.
Saturday 14 October 2023
Tuesday 11 October 2022
Audition by Ryu Murakami Review - A Japanese Horror Love Story
Since it’s Halloween season I decided to review a Japanese horror novel. Audition by the writer Ryu Murakami, is a story about a man finding a perfect woman, only to discover he’s fallen for a mask.
Saturday 2 October 2021
5 Horror Manga Recommendations That Aren't Junji Ito
It's spooky season again, so that means horror, specifically, horror manga. Japanese comics have a long history of horror stories, but the mangaka Junji Ito has become synonymous with the genre. He's an indisputable master at the craft, no doubt, I even spotlighted 10 recommendations of his work, but there are many other horror manga to choose from. Here's a list of 5 to choose from, that aren't from Junji Ito.
Sunday 4 October 2020
10 Junji Ito Horror Manga Recommendations
Since it's spooky season, I wanted to highlight one of Japan's most famous horror manga artists/writers - Junji Ito. For those not in the know, manga are Japanese comics, and Ito's realistic and hyper-detailed artwork, combined with his macabre and haunting plots, are a perfect nightmare cocktail. Here are ten recommendations to start you off, from his longer-form works to short stories. Also, to existing Junji Ito fans, yes, there are plenty of well-known recommendations here, but if I didn't list your personal favorite, well, there's always next Halloween...
Monday 25 November 2019
Tunku Halim Talks Horror with Elaine Chiew
Scream to the Shadows is a retrospective of 20 years of his short tales of horror, also billed as 'world gothic'.
But a short bio for those of you not as familiar: